Contributing to this website


Matteo Bellitti

Last Updated

January 21, 2025

This site is built with Quarto. It’s set up to build automatically via GitHub Actions, so you don’t even have to install anything, just edit the markdown, commit, and push.

  1. For small changes, click the “Edit this page” link on the right of the page you want to change. It will redirect you to a markdown editor on GitHub.
  2. You can also clone the repo vkola-lab-docs, edit the relevant markdown files and make a pull request to merge into the main branch. The website will be automatically built and deployed once the pull request is accepted.
This website is public!

Do not share any information that you don’t want to be available to the general public.

Creating a new page

Create a new .qmd file and make sure to include the YAML front matter. For example, this page starts with

title: "Contribute to this website"
author: "Matteo Bellitti"

Make sure to change the title and author fields. Then write the rest of the document in markdown. See markdown basics on Quarto’s website for a quick introduction.

The title field is used to generate the sidebar. Sub-directories will create sections and will be automatically titled based on the directory name (including adding capitalization and substituting spaces for dashes and underscores).

Quarto and VS Code

There is a VSCode extension that makes editing Quarto documents easier. See also the Quarto documentation about VSCode integration

Tips and Tricks

Creating a new file in a subdirectory automatically includes in the sidebar. To control the order in which the pages are displayed in the sidebar, use order in the metadata (see the docs here).

To learn more about working with Quarto websites see here.

To link to another page, use markdown syntax. For example [this link](Practical Stuff/workstations.qmd) points to the page about the workstations: this link.